I'm Sharing Secrets on Losing 65 Pounds and Gaining a New Life.

Over the last 7 years I've learned a few things about living a healthy and happy life:

1. There are way too many "get skinny fast" gimmicks out there (that don't work).
2. Weight loss is a process (it does NOT just melt off) and not a destination.
3. Being healthy doesn't have to be hard.

I know first-hand how hard it can be trying to decide what actually works and what is a bunch of bull$h!t.

That's why I put together this guide to successful weight loss. NO GIMMICKS! NO LIES! NO STARVING! Just the essentials based on what I learned losing 65 pounds and keeping it off over 7 years later!

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    Inside you'll find...


    Simplest tips to create your own workouts at the drop of a dime. No more agonizing over what you're going to do in the gym.


    What to eat to get the body you've always wanted. We eat real food over here... Starvation is not on this program's menu!


    Tackling the body is easy, realizing your mind needs help too is the hard part. Included are secrets to get your mindset to match your body.